Changing the width of a cable tray or end a cable tray (end cap).
S - Sendzimir method galvanised steel PN-EN 10346:2015-09
Available finishes:
F - hot dip galvanised steel PN-EN ISO 1461:2023-02,
E - stainless steel,
L - painting in standard RAL colour
Additional information
– mounting with bolts SGKM6x12 or SGM6x12
– the possibility of creating one-sided reduction or double-sided reduction
– use the LPU connector if the reduction is one-sided
– for double-sided reduction, can be used metal sheets of different or the same width, e.g.: for a reduction of 200 mm, can be used BRZ...50... and BRZ...150... or 2 x BRZ...100...
– compatible with any type of cable trays of a specific height
– mounting with bolts SGKM6x12 or SGM6x12
– the possibility of creating one-sided reduction or double-sided reduction
– use the LPU connector if the reduction is one-sided
– for double-sided reduction, can be used metal sheets of different or the same width, e.g.: for a reduction of 200 mm, can be used BRZ...50... and BRZ...150... or 2 x BRZ...100...
– compatible with any type of cable trays of a specific heigh